"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. " -Grandma Moses

Friday, September 2, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!!!

So, here we are.... College Football kick-off eve. The night before all grown men are born again... well, and some of us grown women too (let's be honest). It's Christmas Eve for adults! The energy is high and every football fan's blood is pumping tonight. We will go to bed with visions of our 2011 season team's glorious touchdowns dancing in our heads. We all feel the rush of excitement and the thrills of our youth surging through our veins again... it's a game for the young and the old. It's timeless. It's priceless. It's American College Football and we the people of the United States of America LOVE it. We live for it. We count the months and days we get to have it in our lives again when each season is over. We breathe, sleep and eat the sport of football. Perhaps a little too much, but you can never have too much of a good thing... right? Of course the college students get to enjoy this time the most (no question) by having their cake and eating it too. For those of us that are settled, college football season is a time where we can temporarily relive those fun and exciting glory days of college all over again and recruite future hopelessly devoted fans in our children... and for the single scene it definitely brings out more prospects and lots of energy to a town or a city. Whichever your flavor, it is still a time to savor all the same. And lastly, for those of us who are living in a "house divided" where you and your significant other are devoted fans of rival teams, then this night probably holds even more significance considering how it has the ability to drastically affect the climate in your home for the upcoming months. It's funny but I used to think a united front on all levels was the safest bet for a healthy relationship but God bless all those divided households out there when it comes to football... and bless all those die hard devoted fans who won't even allow their spouse to divert the attention and passion they have inside for THEIR boys, THEIR team. Personally, I love football season and I now prefer a house divided... I guess I've always liked a little competition, just grew up that way. Although it may get heated at times, there's is no doubt that it makes your relationship, marriage and the ho-hum everyday home life a heck of a lot more interesting.

So bring it on baby.... GO TIGERS!!!

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