"Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. " -Grandma Moses

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9.11.01

Today is a day of deep and painful reflection for Americans. A day where we are reminded that there is definitely a dark evil in this world and it lurks around us even when we are just innocently going about our daily lives. Personally, all I can think of when I think of 9-11 is evil and darkness, bitter black darkness... it is there. It exists. God has warned us of it in the bible. Ten years ago, the day of 9-11-01 we were provided proof. For Americans, 9-11-01 marks the day that all of our lives were touched and changed forever. It's the day that we experienced an up close and personal moment with this kind of darkness in the form of an unannounced merciless attack on our dear country and on our own soil, intending to derail our life of freedom. Yes, without a doubt, evil bitter black darkness descented on us on that day and although I still remember that darkness, I also think of another thing on this day.... I think of goodness and light. I think of an unbreakable unity, an undying love, and two beaming lights of resiliency.

I was deep in thought this morning reflecting on the events of 9-11 as I watched and listened to the memorial held in NY City on the news. I listened to one sad touching story of loss after another from the children and/or spouses of a victim, and was moved to tears. I watched as our troops unfolded our beloved American flag in devoted unison while flying one high from the new tower being built, and I joined in when they sang our national anthem, the "Star Spangled Banner", with my hand over my heart. I not only relived the pain of that day, but I relived the pride. The pride of being an American. The strong resolve and resilience that we have as a nation. One nation, under God. It was then that a story from my childhood came to my mind... out of nowhere... and I realized how similar it was to these real life events that I had been a part of in my life and the one I was witnessing on TV at that very moment. That story is a Dr. Seuss holiday hit and favorite... "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". In wikipedia online, the story is summed up like this:

The Grinch, a fictional, bitter, cave-dwelling, catlike creature with a heart "two sizes too small", lives on snowy Mount Crumpit, a steep, 3,000-foot (910 m) high mountain just north of Whoville, home of the merry and warm-hearted Whos. His only companion is his faithful dog, Max (a redbone coonhound). From his perch high atop Mount Crumpit, the Grinch can hear the noisy Christmas festivities that take place in Whoville. Envious of the Whos' happiness, he makes plans to descend on the town and, by means of burglary, deprive them of their Christmas presents, holiday ham and decorations and thus "prevent Christmas from coming." However, he learns in the end that despite his success in stealing all the Christmas presents and decorations from the Whos, Christmas comes just the same. He then realizes that Christmas is more than just gifts and presents.
As I relate the characters and story lines in my mind, I of course saw the similarities plain as day. Osama bin Laden is much like the Grinch, and we American's are much like the Whos of Whoville. Osama bin Laden had a deep hatred of Americans and our way of life for years. He spent much of his time on earth in caves and hiding from the public's eye. He hated Americans and all that we stood for as a country, so he spent most of his life plotting to destroy us and our way of life. He wanted to rob and take away from us the one thing that we value and hold so high, our freedom. He decided on sneak attacking us when we least expected it and taking significant things of ours... things that make us stand out, things we are proud of, things of material value. The most significant of those possessions were the twin towers, the World Trade Center, in NY City.  He orchestrated the events of 9-11-01 and succeeded in destroying those possessions of ours and in return, most unfortunately, we lost thousands of our loved ones lives as well (which can never be replaced). Yet, Osama failed to realize with his small heart that he may break our toys and break some of our bones, but he can NEVER break us and what we stand for as a nation... so to his surprise, his callous actions had an opposite affect. We did not run scared or coward down to him and his disgraceful acts. We did not grow hateful of our government or lose our unity as a country. We did not hide or live in fear. Although bruised and battered, we took immediate action... and once the "bitter black darkness" in the form of a morbid dust had cleared from the sites of his sinister destruction, We The People (all races and ages) came out with our heads still held high, hand in hand, heart to heart, held our Flag up high and sang... much like the Whos in Whoville when they woke up without their Christmas presents on Christmas Day. We The People of The United States of America, came out and held on tight to each other with an undying love, an unbreakable unity and we sang our anthem together. We sang it with tears. We sang it with joy. We sang it loud. We sang it clear. We sang it PROUD. And we still come out, join together in the same exact way and sing it today.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

We aren't perfect, we are FAMILY.

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.” -Richard Bach

(Connor & Jenna)

You are not of my blood
but you're loved all the same.
You were not by my choice..
with a loved one you came.
You were created before me
out of love, not of crime.
But that world split to two..
I met your dad, then I met you.
Had your first life not divided
and you all stayed on your resided
then mine wouldn't be as colorful..
as paint-by-numbers wonderful.
The lord intended this to be..
set in stone for you and me.
Though the reasons may not be clear..
he knows exactly why we're here.

Ashley C. Drake

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"The Wedding Day" Diaries...

What do you do when your unity candle burns out when you light it together during your wedding ceremony???

You give each other a look, laugh and do it again!! ;}

Let It Rain

Fall on us, oh teardrops from heaven,
fall down on mother earth!
Drench us in your sweet sorrows
for only you can quench our thirst!

Without you, life as we know of it
on our dear planet would cease.
Pretty flowers would wilt in agony,
our fertile soils, dry and crease.

For the creation of all mankind...
water's a powerful gift from God above.
And when the skies clear you just may see,
a soaring high white dove.

Ashley C. Drake

Monday, September 5, 2011


Warm light
Bursting in through every pore
Lips spasming
In pure pleasurable delight
Eyes molding
Into halfmoon slits
Overwhelming stress
Released by sublime euphoria
Caused by heartfelt glee
Enjoyed momentary ignorance to proper composure
Sweet stimulation
Of all five senses
God given music to starving ears
Comforter of a stranger's fears
Breaking down
All the built up defenses
Enter the state of childlike sobriety
Pure happiness
Comes in this variety

Ashley C. Drake

Friday, September 2, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!!!

So, here we are.... College Football kick-off eve. The night before all grown men are born again... well, and some of us grown women too (let's be honest). It's Christmas Eve for adults! The energy is high and every football fan's blood is pumping tonight. We will go to bed with visions of our 2011 season team's glorious touchdowns dancing in our heads. We all feel the rush of excitement and the thrills of our youth surging through our veins again... it's a game for the young and the old. It's timeless. It's priceless. It's American College Football and we the people of the United States of America LOVE it. We live for it. We count the months and days we get to have it in our lives again when each season is over. We breathe, sleep and eat the sport of football. Perhaps a little too much, but you can never have too much of a good thing... right? Of course the college students get to enjoy this time the most (no question) by having their cake and eating it too. For those of us that are settled, college football season is a time where we can temporarily relive those fun and exciting glory days of college all over again and recruite future hopelessly devoted fans in our children... and for the single scene it definitely brings out more prospects and lots of energy to a town or a city. Whichever your flavor, it is still a time to savor all the same. And lastly, for those of us who are living in a "house divided" where you and your significant other are devoted fans of rival teams, then this night probably holds even more significance considering how it has the ability to drastically affect the climate in your home for the upcoming months. It's funny but I used to think a united front on all levels was the safest bet for a healthy relationship but God bless all those divided households out there when it comes to football... and bless all those die hard devoted fans who won't even allow their spouse to divert the attention and passion they have inside for THEIR boys, THEIR team. Personally, I love football season and I now prefer a house divided... I guess I've always liked a little competition, just grew up that way. Although it may get heated at times, there's is no doubt that it makes your relationship, marriage and the ho-hum everyday home life a heck of a lot more interesting.

So bring it on baby.... GO TIGERS!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Late Bloomer

Ok, so I'm a late bloomer in life... got married late, perhaps will go back to school and land a "real" career late, may become a mother late, will have a family of my own and own my own home late.. and when I say late I'm meaning later than most or the average gal. However, who says it's late and who says when is when... why do we all feel we have to do or have to have done certain things by a certain age? I guess the inevitable "biological clock" is a factor in one important milestone in a woman's life (pregnancy and childbirth).. unfairly, of course, not a man's... but we won't get into that here. The other milestones and when we should have experienced them is all what society has told us. Who does society think it is? Society, the majority of people voicing their opinions as a collective whole and defining how we, individuals, should live our lives. I'm sorry but the last time I checked the only opinion anyone should be concerned with when it comes to their lives and when/if they chose to do things in it is the big guy's... that's right, God. People say they have a mind of their own, but how many of us do really?? How many people in your life do you know that really live their lives and do/did things in them in their own time? How many people in your life do you know that are now single parents, divorced, got a degree they'll never use, in a high paying job or making big money but are miserable, or going through some crazy mid-life crisis because they never took the time to stop and smell the roses or do their own thing in their lives... I'm not saying those are horrible things but sometimes they are the result of giving in and doing things when people tell you you should do them or trying to live up to some societal standard. My point here is... life is personal, life isn't supposed to be the same for every individual. Yet we constantly find ourselves comparing ourselves with our peers lives. It's sad and a serious waste of our precious time while we are here. We each chart our own course and destiny whatever that may be... and late bloomers are just as intelligent, unique, exciting, and inspiring than the rest of society who opted to live up to the so-called "standards". Perhaps we are even more so because we are not the norm... we stepped out of the long line of followers on the freeway driving their SUVs and chose to go down a less trodden path alone in a little VW bug instead. We followed our heart and said NO, when we were told we should be saying yes. We are the few, the proud, and the "I don't live my life by your rules" brave.